According to Merriam-Webster, the following words rhyme with Pursuit.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
According to Merriam-Webster, the following words rhyme with Pursuit.
This is no Aphrodisiac from RepúbliKa Libre on Vimeo.
From JP...thank you. It's beautiful. Check it out:
embrace this year.
Your numbers curve
gently like the tangerine coral
you mimic: soft, bendable, your
fingers touch surface. You unfold this year.
This year you find yourself at home in tropical
seas and sway to jazz beats in cool dark rooms.
Say freedom. No, no: scream Freedom! Inhale
the last 35 years. Remember: all the words you wrote.
The memories carved under skin. Your fleshy rind holds
names of ex lovers, their faces, tears, even their voices.
That skin, those words, they sing, hum, whisper,
scream, pray, chant, sometimes they are silent.
Now exhale. Let those memories flow out.
Remember: there is enough room to collect
new ones. Ana, bend fingers.
Touch water, sand, stone
and especially skin.
Say Ashé.
Hello my dear Ana,
Hope this email finds you well.
I´m sending you my work for your beautiful project ¨36 days¨.
Hope you enjoy it!
Title: Sounds of a Vanishing Era: Steam and Diesel
¨When opening the package it contained a Vynil Record titled “ Railroad Sounds. The Sounds of a Vanishing Era: Diesel and Steam.” I was unsure of how to start, yet the title stayed with me for some days.
I started thinking about my country, Dominican Republic, and i associated the title with our current social and political situation. We, the people, receive a lot of oppression from the state, witnessing corruption on a daily basis. It´s something we are fighting against and speak our minds for it.
With the 36 days project, i present this series of 36 documentary photographs i took in a protest in Santo Domingo due to changes being made in the Constitution, the privatization of public beaches, being one of them. “Sounds of a Vanishing Era” seeks to portray a country not condescending with the newly established laws, putting themselves out there and letting their voices be heard in front of the Dominican National Congress. It was beautiful to see how everyone that attended to protest their rights showed up wearing beach clothing with big umbrellas, playing volleyball and, something very traditional of people in Dominican Republic when going to the beach, food for the whole family (spagetthis, bread, rice, yuca, plantains). Funny picture i saw was a group of police men inside of a bus because of the rain. Apparently they didn´t want to get wet. The things you see...
The audio track in this video is performed and composed by Silvio Rodriguez,a cuban musician who is characteristic for his profound lyrics and revolutionary ideals.
I dedicate this piece to a friend who recently passed away. To Arlincita, a fighter.
-Carlos Rodríguez
The Sounds of a Vanishing Era from Carlos Rt on Vimeo.
The End of 36 Days??? Not quite
But, it means that the last six days of my performance, I was bed ridden. A friend came up to visit and he walked me around the block like an old dog one afternoon. That's when I left this postcard (forever dedicated, I know. i think i was still in denial at this point) at the corner on our way to the park. We went and sat by the river and I almost scratched my ear with my right pinky toe, but decided against it.
And then, in those six days lost and gone to time, I received all these wonderful works of art from the artists...and only now, do I get to post them. So, that is what I'm up to today: posting artwork. I am still receiving pieces from folks. You are all awesome. Thank you to all the artists who participated. I am so grateful. And thank you to all the wonderful amazing people who took photos with me, too. And, if you got a postcard, send a comment sometime.
This isn't the last of me! I promise.