From JP...thank you. It's beautiful. Check it out:
embrace this year.
Your numbers curve
gently like the tangerine coral
you mimic: soft, bendable, your
fingers touch surface. You unfold this year.
This year you find yourself at home in tropical
seas and sway to jazz beats in cool dark rooms.
Say freedom. No, no: scream Freedom! Inhale
the last 35 years. Remember: all the words you wrote.
The memories carved under skin. Your fleshy rind holds
names of ex lovers, their faces, tears, even their voices.
That skin, those words, they sing, hum, whisper,
scream, pray, chant, sometimes they are silent.
Now exhale. Let those memories flow out.
Remember: there is enough room to collect
new ones. Ana, bend fingers.
Touch water, sand, stone
and especially skin.
Say Ashé.