Saturday, September 10, 2011



And here's the video that explains it all ("Viva La Poetry"):

Day 24: Jai

Several years ago, I was part of a multi-member year-long, multi-genre fabulousness performance art happening called Pënz(It's Pronounced Pants). As part of that performance, I left a tile in the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Well, it so happens I was back at the BMA today during this performance art happening. And so yes, you guessed: I left a postcard at the museum. This time, in the American Art wing. Just to stir things up a little.

Once I was done walking through the exhibits (they have an upcoming exhibit of Eva Hesse's work) with my friend CR, I stepped outside and found Jai - he was clear to tell me it was spelled J.A.I. and pronounced "jay", who was wonderful enough to take a photo with me on his visit from London to Brooklyn.

Photo by CR