Thursday, September 29, 2011


Dearest Ana,

For your birthday with wishes for beautiful pursuits!
In the package you sent, I was offered the following:
1. a Polaroid "I-zone" instant pocket camera
2. a link to an image with the definition of drapetomania inscribed on its surface.

In these, I found the concept of Pursuit.

According to Merriam-Webster, the following words rhyme with Pursuit.

(yes, Beirut was included--- I did not add it!)


makebelieve that longing is all that matters
you will keep returning to small

the camera has a rubber handle like the ones on underwater masks, I imagine it swinging from
my wrist as I walk fast, accidently hitting another hurried body. Instead, I set it on the desk, it watches
there are four settings: off, cloudy, sunny and a small figure in a box with a triangle roof. I open it and
no film, only its possibility. It is shaped like this, like landscape, like purple plastic landscape

my day is long
there is coffee
without sugar

write about
spoken form
and language

will you find
a way to talk
about loss

in the afternoon
I stop to change
buildings, rain

arrive soaked
ask for more
time, not enough

orange bucket
seats and a
book, quick

look down
and prepare
tomorrow, soon

near the bridge
exit, walk to
water, skip it

we shove into
wooden corners
make plans for

next summer
beneath street
lamp, two bikes

you and I, towards
the hill, do not run
its warm now

later, there will be
remnants of film
open, find sound

12 exposures, September 20, 2011.


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